Surfshark offers 8 servers in Georgia.
If you’re traveling out of Georgia and need to access your Bank of Georgia account or want to unblock Setanta Sports or stream, Surfshark’s got you.
Keep reading to discover how to connect to Surfshark’s Georgian servers and whether or not it offers specialty servers to meet your streaming and security needs.
How to Connect to Surfshark Georgian Servers?
To connect to Surfshark’s servers in Georgia, follow this step-by-step guide:
- Visit the Surfshark pricing page through this special deals link and click “Get the Best VPN.”
- Choose your preferred payment plan. I recommend the 24 months plan for the best savings.
- Fill in your email ID and complete the payment.
- Download Surfshark onto your preferred device. For this tutorial, I’ve used Surfshark on Windows PC.
- Open the Surfshark VPN app.
- Search for “Georgia.”
- Click on the server name to connect to it. You can also click on the star to favorite the server for quick access.
- Now that you’re connected to the Georgian server, you can stream sports on Setanta whenever you like.
Does Surfshark Offer Specialty Servers in Georgia?
Surfshark currently doesn’t offer any specialty servers in Georgia.
However, you can create your own customized dynamic MultiHop server for Georgia for an extra layer of protection to your VPN connection without sacrificing speed.
For example, I created a dynamic MultiHop connection for Georgia with my entry location as the closest server (for better speeds).
If you’re not too bothered about extra security, you can connect to the regular Georgian servers for better speed.
Is Connecting to Surfshark’s Georgian Servers Worth It?
Surfshark’s servers in Georgia allow you to access Georgian channels and content from anywhere without compromising your security.
With 8 virtual servers in Tbilisi, you don’t have to worry about server overcrowding when seeking a Georgian IP address anytime.
Ready to route your connections through Georgia? Check out these big saver Surfshark deals!