How to Set Up Surfshark on a Router?

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To set up Surfshark on your router, confirm whether your router is Surfshark-compatible, install it, and voila! You have Surfshark router access.

The installation process differs from router to router. But don’t worry – I’ll take you through the installation process for the Asus router and provide links to tutorials for other supported routers.

Keep reading for the juicy details!

How to Install Surfshark on a Router?

The first step to installing Surfshark on your router is finding out if it’s compatible with Surfshark. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Ask Surfshark support via live chat or email if your router is compatible.
  2. Check Surfshark’s help center to see if your router is supported.

Additionally, the installation process requires using OpenVPN, IKEv2, L2TP, or WireGuard. I recommend WireGuard or OpenVPN.

Let’s take a closer look.

How to Install Surfshark on Asus-WRT Routers?

First, grab a Surfshark subscription with this huge discount. Then, follow these instructions to install Surfshark on an Asus-WRT router using OpenVPN.

Find Your Login Details

You’ll need your Surfshark service credentials to connect to Surfshark using a manual OpenVPN configuration.

To access these credentials,

  1. Login to Surfshark with your Surfshark account credentials.
  1. Click the “Credentials” tab to find the Surfshark service credentials. Jot them down.
click the credentials tab

Select a Surfshark Server

Every server or location has a configuration file you need to connect to Surfshark.

Feel free to download all the configuration files directly from Surfshark’s website.

Alternatively, you can

  1. Visit this page.
  2. Select the “Locations tab. You will now see all of Surfshark’s servers.
  3. Download the config file for the location you want. Click “Get OpenVPN configuration files” to download.

Configure the OpenVPN Client

Next, you need to configure the OpenVPN client on your router.

  1. Enter in your URL bar to open your Asus Router control panel.
download the config file for the location you want
  1. Click the VPN tab under “Advanced settings.”
click the vpn tab under advanced settings
  1. Select “VPN Client” in the VPN tab.
  2. Click the “Add Profile” button at the bottom of the page.
click the add profile
  1. Select “OpenVPN tab. Enter the following details:
  • Description (name of the connection)
  • Username and password (Surfshark service credentials you saved in the previous step)
  1. Add a configuration file of the server you’d like to connect to. Click “Choose File.”
add a configuration file and click choose file
  1. Select the directory to which you downloaded the configuration files and click “Open.”
open the configuration files
  1. Select “Upload,” and you should see a message stating “Complete” if the process was successful.
select upload
  1. Leave the “Import the CA file or edit the .ovpn file manually” unticked and click “OK.”
  2. Click “Activate” to connect the router to a Surfshark server. Now your router is Surfshark protected.
click activate
  1. Once the connection is successful, a blue checkmark should appear in the “Connection Status” column.

Verify Your Connection Was Successful

Conduct an IP and DNS leak test to verify your connection was successful. 

You can use Surfshark’s dedicated leak tests to do so.

conduct an ip and dns leak test

Congratulations! You successfully installed & configured the Surfshark VPN on your Asus router.

Other Surfshark Router Setups

If you want to set up Surfshark on non-Asus routers, you can do so using Surfshark’s in-depth guides. Here are the setup tutorials for

Can All Routers Use Surfshark?

Not all routers can use Surfshark. Some routers don’t have support for OpenVPN, at least not with their default firmware.

For example, you can’t use the following routers with Surfshark:

If your router doesn’t support OpenVPN, consider buying a new router or installing new firmware on your current router.

If you buy a new router, I recommend one with VPN functionality by default. 

Here are a few examples:

  • InvizBox 2 VPN router (Surfshark-ready)
  • Vilfo
  • Synology RT2600AC
  • Asus RT-AC86U AC2900 Dual Band Gigabit WiFi Gaming Router
  • GLiNet GL-MT300N-V2 Mini Smart Router “Mango”

How to Set up a Manual Surfshark Wireguard Connection on a Router?

To set up a manual Surfshark WireGuard connection on a router, you need a router with custom firmware. I recommend OpenWRT (21.02 or later), as it’s widely supported and gets frequent updates.

Follow these steps

  1. Log in to Surfshark using your account credentials.
  2. Click “VPN” and “Manual Setup.” 
  3. Click “Router” and “WireGuard.”
click the router and wireguard
  1. For this connection, you need a pair of public and private keys.
  • If you have these keys from a previous setup, click I have a key pair, enter your public key, and click “Save.”
  • If this is your first time, click I don’t have a key pair, generate a new key pair, save your key pair, and click “Save.”
connect key pair
  1. Choose a location and download the WireGuard configuration file.
choose a location
  1. Go to a new browser tab, enter your router’s default gateway address, and log in. If you are using OpenWRT, it’s
enter your routers default gateway address and log in
  1. At the top, select “System” then “Software.” It will take you to a new window where you can download a special package that you’ll use to set up the WireGuard connection.
select system then software
  1. Type in WireGuard in the search & look for luci-app-wireguard. Click “Install.”
install luci wireguard
  1. Reboot the router. Click “System,” “Reboot,” and “Perform Reboot.” After, refresh the page & log in to the router’s control panel again.
click system reboot and perform reboot
  1. Set up the WireGuard interface. Select “Network,” “Interfaces,” and “Add New Interface.”
set up wireguard interface
  1. For the name, type in wg0 and select “WireGuard VPN” for the protocol. Click “Create Interface.”
select wireguard vpn and click interface
  1. Under General Settings, configure the Interface by entering the Private key from Surfshark’s config file.
configure the interface by entering the private key from surfshark config file
  1. Enter the IP address, also found in the Surfshark config file.
enter the ip address
  1. Under “Advanced Settings,” uncheck “DNS servers advertised by peers.”
  2. Enter Surfshark’s DNS addresses:
enter surfshark dns addresses
  1. Assign a Firewall Zone. Click “Firewall Settings” and “Unspecified.”
  2. In the bottom field, enter “VPN.”
enter vpn
  1. Head to the “Peers” tab and click “Add Peer.”
  2. Under Description, fill in the location of the file you downloaded.
fill in the location of the file you downloaded
  1. Enter your “Public Key.” You will find it in the config file you got from Surfshark.
enter your public key
  1. In the Allowed IPs section, enter the following address:
enter the address in the allowed ips section
  1. Check the “Route Allowed IPs” box.
  2. For the “Endpoint Host,” enter the location address from the config file. It should end with
enter the location address from the config file
  1. Enter the “Endpoint Port.” These are the last 5 numbers at the end of the address. Click “Save.”
enter the endpoint port
  1. You will notice the message “Interface has 7 pending changes” on the WireGuard protocol. Click on the “Save & Apply” button to confirm them.
interface has 7 pending changes
  1. Configure your VPN zone. Go to “Network,” then “Firewall.”
  2. At the bottom, you will notice three zones: lan, wan, and vpn. You need to change the input, output, forward, and masquerading options of the vpn zone to match those of the wan zone. Click “Save.”
change the input output forward and masquerading option of the vpn zone
  1. Lan to wan zone needs to be edited. Click “Edit” and check the box on “MSS Clamping.”
mss clamping
  1. On the “Allow forward to destination zone,” click the arrow and select VPN.
  2. Click “Save” and reboot the router (System >> Reboot).
click save and reboot the router

The VPN is now enabled. To verify, go to “Network” and “Interfaces.” 

You will notice the Wg0 interface is sending and receiving packets.


Installing Surfshark on a Router: Pros and Cons

Installing Surfshark on your router depends on your use case.

Regardless, here’s a list of pros and cons to help you make an informed decision:



My recommendation is that you should always stay protected.

Going the Surfshark router way is the best way to do so.


It’s possible to use Surfshark with Ethernet. However, this option requires a Windows computer, an active Surfshark subscription, and an Ethernet cable.


Setting up Surfshark on your router might seem intimidating.

However, it’s not difficult once you’re well-informed. The advantages of always-on protection and simultaneous device protection speak for themselves.

I recommend Surfshark, as it supports a variety of routers. Not to mention, you get 3,200 optimized servers with great speeds.

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