28+ Facebook Messenger Statistics & Trends

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Facebook Messenger offers individuals a convenient way to engage and interact with friends and family. However, for marketers, Facebook Messenger is an excellent opportunity for advertising, customer engagement, and lead generation.

This piece dives into Facebook Messenger’s usage, important statistics and trends, and how your business can use it to increase leads and conversions.

Top 5 Facebook Messenger Statistics

  • Facebook Messenger is the world’s 3rd most-popular messaging app.
  • Phishing messages on Facebook Messenger ensnared 10 million users.
  • Facebook Messenger has a potential ad reach of 938 million people.
  • Facebook Messenger increased its revenue by 31% in 2022.
  • Facebook Messenger was the 3rd most used messaging app in the United States in 2022.


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General Facebook Messenger Statistics

1. Facebook Messenger is the 8th most downloaded application.

Facebook Messenger came in 8th with 268 million downloads in 2021.

Tiktok and Instagram took the 1st and 2nd positions at 656 million and 565 million downloads, respectively.

2. Facebook Messenger is the world’s 3rd most-popular messaging app.

The app had 988 million monthly users in 2022 and over a billion messages sent daily. Whatsapp is the most popular, with 2 billion users, while China’s WeChat is 2nd with 1.26 billion users.

3. Facebook Messenger collected a substantial amount of user data in 2021.

Facebook Messenger collected large amounts of user data in 2021 and shared it with Meta, its parent company. It gathered more user data than other messaging apps like WhatsApp, Signal, and iMessage.

4. Phishing messages on Facebook Messenger ensnared 10 million users.

About 10 million Facebook Messenger users shared account passwords via a phishing scam in 2021. The fraud is still operational and directs victims to a fictitious Facebook login page that asks for credentials.

phishing messages on facebook messenger
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5. Audio chatting on Facebook Messenger increased by a fifth.

Audio chatting on Facebook Messenger surged by 20% in the US as of 2021.

Facebook Messenger Statistics by Demography

6. 55.6% of Facebook Messenger users in the US are female.

Meanwhile, men accounted for 44.4% of Messenger users in December 2022, while the total number of users in the United States was 179+ million.

7. Messenger is least preferred by those aged 13 to 17.

Only 4.6% of Messenger users were in that age bracket as of January 2023.

2.0% were female, while 2.6% were male.

8. Facebook Messenger's largest group of users are Gen X and Millennials.

As of June 2022, the platform’s most prominent US users were between 25 and 34. They accounted for around 25% of the total users in the US.

The second biggest demographic is 35 to 44 years, accounting for 20%.

Facebook Messenger Advertising Statistics

9. Facebook Messenger has a potential ad reach of 938 million people.

Businesses that ran ads on Facebook Messenger could reach more than 931 million people globally as of January 2023. The figure decreased by around 4.6% in the 3 months leading up to January 2023.

10. Men between 25 and 34 are likelier to be served with Messenger ads.

The age bracket represents around 20% of Facebook Messenger’s users who were ideal candidates to see Messenger adverts in 2021.

Facebook Messenger Marketing Statistics

11. Facebook Messenger increased its revenue by 31% in 2022.

In 2022, Facebook’s ad income totaled $113.6 billion. Although this was the second consecutive year the revenue crossed the $100 billion mark, it represents a 1.1% drop from 2021, which saw $114.9 billion in revenue.

12. 83% of businesses use Facebook Messenger often.

In 2022, 83% of brands in the US used Messenger to make calls and send messages to customers and other businesses.

Business Usage of Facebook Messenger
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13. Facebook Messenger has 330,000+ active bots.

As of 2023, 300,000+ chatbots on Messenger help automate sales.

Facebook Messenger Statistics by Use Case

14. Users worldwide spent around 3 hours on Facebook Messenger monthly in 2021.

Canadian messenger users spent an average of 4.6 hours a month on the app.

Users in Australia spent 4.4 hours. Meanwhile, Indian users spent less than 2 hours.

15. Over 17 billion photos were shared monthly via Facebook Messenger in 2022.

Additionally, 20+ billion messages were sent monthly.

16. Over 260 million messages are sent daily on Facebook Messenger.

That is around 11 million conversations per hour as of 2022.

17. 119 million internet users preferred Facebook Messenger over other messaging platforms in 2021.

Around 2.3% of internet users prefer the platform over Discord, Snapchat, and Pinterest.

Facebook Messenger Statistics by Country

18. The US and Canada have the lowest eligibility reach rate for Messenger ads.

At only 2.4% and 2.0%, the US and Canada had the lowest population most likely to be served with Messenger ads in 2022. Vietnam led with a 68.6% eligibility reach, followed by New Zealand at 66.2%.

19. Facebook Messenger had the highest popularity in 16 countries in 2022.

Messenger was the most popular messaging app in Poland, Thailand, Sweden, Belgium, France, Canada, Australia, the US, Algeria, Bangladesh, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, Tunisia, Denmark, and the Philippines in 2022.

20. Facebook Messenger was the 3rd most used messaging app in the United States in 2022.

It had 138.1 million users in the US, a 2-million increase from 2021’s 135.9 million. WhatsApp and Snapchat were the first and second most used messaging apps in the United States.

Popularity of Facebook Messenger in the US
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21. Facebook Messenger has the highest number of users in India.

As of January 2023, Messenger had the highest number of users in India at 117 million. Next was Brazil, at 62.1 million, and then Mexico, with 57.8 million users.

22. Messenger has 92% brand awareness in the UK.

The platform has one of the highest brand awareness in the UK, with 92% as of 2022. 52% of the app’s users plan to use it again.

23. Facebook Messenger is the 2nd most-used messaging app in Denmark.

In 2021, Facebook was the most-used social media application (78.8%) by Danes, followed by Facebook Messenger (72%) and Instagram (59.4%).

24. Facebook Messenger is the 2nd most used messaging app in Sweden.

76% of the Swedish population uses Facebook Messenger as of 2021.

25. Messenger ranked 3rd among the most-used social media platforms in the UK.

Facebook Messenger was the UK’s 3rd most used social media platform, with 58.5% of internet users chatting on it as of 2022. Whatsapp led with 74.8%, followed by Facebook at 73.3%.

26. Facebook Messenger is the 2nd most-used messaging app in the UK.

Messenger ranked 2nd for the most-used messaging apps in the UK in 2022, with 72%. Whatsapp had the largest market share at 80%.

27. Messenger is the 2nd most used video call service in Germany.

Facebook Messenger was used by a 3rd of all Germans (33%) as of 2022.

Meanwhile, Whatsapp was the most popular app at 87%.

28. Messenger is the most-used messaging app in France.

As of 2022, France’s most-used messaging app was Facebook Messenger, with 59.5% of internet users aged 16 to 64 using it.

How Big Is Facebook Messenger?

The figures in this Facebook Messenger statistics piece demonstrate a performance advantage in the world market. The company’s marketing tactics in the digital marketing arena are propelling it to the top.

That said, protecting your privacy on Facebook Messenger is critical.

Read our detailed guide on how to protect your privacy on Facebook to stay protected.

  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoetsier/2021/12/27/top-10-most-downloaded-apps-and-games-of-2021-tiktok-telegram-big-winners/?sh=12f8e0bc3a1f
  2. https://www.investing.com/academy/statistics/facebook-meta-facts/#:~:text=Most%20Popular%20Global%20Messenger%20App%20in%202022%20(in%20millions)&text=More%20than%2020%20billion%20messages,Messenger’s%20users%20to%20one%20another.
  3. https://about.fb.com/news/2020/04/introducing-messenger-rooms/
  4. https://www.statista.com/statistics/264810/number-of-monthly-active-facebook-users-worldwide/
  5. https://www.statista.com/statistics/258749/most-popular-global-mobile-messenger-apps/
  6. https://www.messengerpeople.com/global-messenger-usage-statistics/#:~:text=In%20Denmark%2C%20Facebook%20is%20the,%25)%20and%20Instagram%20(59.4%25).
  7. https://datareportal.com/essential-facebook-messenger-stats
  8. https://www.oberlo.com/statistics/how-many-people-use-facebook-messenger
  9. https://datareportal.com/essential-facebook-messenger-stats
  10. https://www.messengerpeople.com/global-messenger-usage-statistics/#GreatBritain:~:text=WhatsApp%20is%20the%20most%2Dused%20social%20media%20platform%20in%20the%20UK%20with%2074.8%25%20of%20internet%20users%20aged%2016%20to%2064%20chatting%20on%20it.%20Facebook%20Messenger%20comes%20in%20third%20with%2058.5%25%20before%20Instagram%20and%20Twitter.%20Apple%E2%80%99s%20iMessage%20has%20a%20solid%20user%20base%20with%2035.4%25%20internet%20usage.
  11. https://about.fb.com/news/2020/09/new-messaging-features-for-instagram/
  12. https://datareportal.com/essential-facebook-messenger-stats
  13. https://www.statista.com/forecasts/1328644/facebook-messenger-messengers-brand-profile-in-the-uk
  14. https://bgr.com/tech/app-privacy-labels-facebook-messenger-vs-imessge-signal-whatsapp/
  15. https://www.statista.com/statistics/951136/facebook-messenger-user-share-in-usa-gender/
  16. https://www.similarweb.com/blog/research/market-research/worldwide-messaging-apps/
  17. https://bgr.com/tech/app-privacy-labels-facebook-messenger-vs-imessge-signal-whatsapp/
  18. https://www.facebook.com/business/m/one-sheeters/improve-click-to-messenger
  19. https://www.statista.com/statistics/951142/facebook-messenger-user-share-in-usa-age/#:~:text=As%20of%20June%202022%2C%20Facebook,20.6%20percent%20of%20Messenger’s%20audience.
  20. https://www.hootsuite.com/resources/digital-trends
  21. https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/#:~:text=As%20of%20January%202023%2C%20there,population%2C%20were%20social%20media%20users.
  22. https://www.hootsuite.com/resources/digital-trends
  23. https://investor.fb.com/investor-news/press-release-details/2023/Meta-Reports-Fourth-Quarter-and-Full-Year-2022-Results/default.aspx
  24. https://about.fb.com/news/2020/04/introducing-messenger-rooms/
  25. https://www.statista.com/forecasts/997099/messenger-usage-by-brand-in-the-us
  26. https://neilpatel.com/blog/open-rates-facebook-messenger/
  27. https://www.emarketer.com/content/walmart-determined-make-sms-shopping-happen
  28. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1295008/time-spent-facebook-messenger-app-selected-countries/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20users%20worldwide%20spent,using%20Facebook%20Messenger%20per%20month.
  29. https://blog.smart-tribune.com/en/facebook-chatbot#:~:text=Facebook%20messenger%20is%20one%20of,worldwide%20using%20the%20app%20monthly.
  30. https://incafrica.com/ben-parr/12-stats-that-show-why-facebook-messenger-is-so-important-to-your-business.html
  31. https://tech.hindustantimes.com/tech/news/facebook-messenger-gives-more-control-to-group-administrators-story-n2LXJ5tN240JZaxVjZVh5M-4.html
  32. https://messengernews.fb.com/2021/08/13/messenger-updates-end-to-end-encrypted-chats-with-new-features/
  33. https://www.hootsuite.com/resources/digital-trends
  34. https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2022-denmark
  35. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1278448/sweden-chat-platform-messaging-usage/
  36. https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2022-united-kingdom
  37. https://www.statista.com/forecasts/997945/messenger-usage-by-brand-in-the-uk
  38. https://www.statista.com/forecasts/998694/messenger-usage-by-brand-in-germany
  39. https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2022-france
  40. https://www.verint.com/blog/the-core-features-of-facebook-messenger-for-business/
  41. https://pixmsecurity.com/blog/blog/phishing-tactics-how-a-threat-actor-stole-1m-credentials-in-4-months/
  42. https://about.fb.com/news/2021/04/messenger-policy-workshop-future-of-private-messaging/
  43. https://about.fb.com/news/2021/05/better-ways-to-express-yourself-new-messenger-features/