How to Set Up VyprVPN on Roku?

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Are you struggling to set up VyprVPN on Roku? In this quick guide, I’ll show you how. That’s the good news!

The not-so-good news is that Roku does not support VPNs. You can only install a VPN on the media player through a router – physical or virtual.

Don’t worry, though, as I’ve made sure all the setup methods below are simple and easy to follow.

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Does VyprVPN Work With Roku?

VyprVPN works seamlessly with Roku. In my tests, the VPN unblocked virtually all Roku channels, including Netflix, Hulu, and Disney Plus.

Easy Methods to Set Up VyprVPN on Roku

As mentioned earlier, you can use VyprVPN with Roku only via a router. And there are two ways you can achieve this:

Solution 1: Setting Up VyprVPN on Roku Via Physical Router

First, you’re going to need to make sure that your router is compatible with VyprVPN. At the moment, supported firmware includes:

  • Tomato 
  • DD-WRT
  • OpenWRT
  • AsusWRT and AsusWRT-Merlin
  • Anonabox

If your router meets all the hardware requirements, then proceed to the steps below.

Step 1: Sign Up for a VyprVPN Account

First, you’re going to need to have an active account.

The provider has three subscription plans to choose from – 1 month, 12months, and 36 months.

If you’re interested in making maximum savings, then I recommend the 36-month plan as it will allow you to save up to 87%.

Once you’ve selected your preferred subscription length, enter your name, email address, and password to create your account.

Next, enter your billing country and choose one of the available payment options to complete the signup process.

VyprVPN payment methods

Step 2: Configure Your Router With VyprVP

Flash your router with the latest OpenVPN-capable build of DD-WRT or any of the other supported firmware, and follow the steps below:

1. On your browser, enter to go to your router’s control panel.

2. Click Setup tab and then Basic Setup.

dd-wrt setup

3. Under Network Address Server Settings (DHCP), enter the following:

  • Static DNS 1:
  • Static DNS 2:
  • Static DNS 3: (default)
  • Use DNSMasq for DHCP: Check
  • Use DNSMasq for DNS: Check
  • DHCP-Authoritative: Check

Then Save and Apply the new configuration.

Network Address Server Settings (DHCP)

4. Click the IPv6 sub-tab, select Disable and Save and Apply the settings.

Disable IPv6

5. Go to Services>VPN and enable the OpenVPN client.

6. Next, set the following configurations:

  • Server IP/Name: Select and enter the desired VyprVPN server. You can find the various server addresses here.
  • Port: 443
  • Tunnel Device: TUN
  • Tunnel Protocol: UDP
  • Encryption Cipher: AES-256 CBC
  • Hash Algorithm: SHA256
  • User Pass Authentication: Enabled
  • Username: Your VyprVPN account email address
  • Password: Your VyprVPN account password
  • Advanced Options: Enable
  • TLS Cypher: None
  • LZO Compression: Adaptive
  • NAT: Enable
  • Firewall Protection: Enable

Note: You should leave all other fields with their default values.

OpenVPN Client Settings

7. In the Additional Config box, enter or paste the commands below:

resolv-retry infinite
keepalive 10 60
verify-x509-name name
verb 3

Additional Config

7. Download the .crt configuration file here and open it in any text editor. Next, copy and paste its contents in the CA Cert box.

Note: Make sure you paste the entire text, including the —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– and —–END CERTIFICATE—– lines.

8. Click Save and then Apply Settings.

Apply settings

9. Navigate to Administration>Management and click Reboot Router.

Your VyprVPN connection is now active. You can proceed and connect your Roku device to the Wi-Fi connection.

Step 3: Connect Roku to Your Router

After your router has rebooted, follow the steps below to connect Roku:

1. From your Roku home screen, navigate to Settings>Network.

Network settings on Roku

Press OK.

2. Next, select the “Set up new wireless connection” option and click OK.

Set up new wireless connection

3. Wait for Roku to scan for available Wireless networks. If yours pops up, click it and enter your password to Connect.

Enter network password if needed and click Connect

That’s! You’ve successfully set up VyprVPN on your Roku.

Solution 2: Setting Up VyprVPN on Roku Via Virtual Router

Another way you can go about it is to install the VPN on your computer and share the connection with Roku.

Both Windows and Mac support mobile hotspots, and I’ve covered each below.

How to Share VyprVPN Connection via Windows

Follow the steps below to set up VyprVPN on Roku through your Windows PC:

Step 1: Get VyprVPN

Step 2: Download and install the app on your Windows PC.

Step 3: Next, navigate to Settings>Network & Internet.

Network and Internet

Step 4: Click Mobile Hotspot on the left sidebar.

Click Mobile Hotspot on the left sidebar

Step 5: Next, click “change adapter options” on the right top corner.

Click “change adapter options” on the right top corner

Step 6: Double-click on the Tap-VyprVPN Adapter and select the Sharing tab.

Double-click on the Tap-VyprVPN Adapter and select the Sharing tab

Step 7: Mark the box next to the “Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s internet connection” field.

Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s internet connection

Step 8: Under “Home networking connection,” select Wi-Fi.

Under “Home networking connection,” select Wi-Fi.

Click OK.

Step 9: Open the VyprVPN app and connect to a US server location.

Connect to a US server

And you’re done. Now, connect Roku to your Windows hotspot to unlock a whole new world of content!

How to Share Your VyprVPN Connection Via Mac

With Mac, you cannot use the app to share your connection. That’s because the VyprVPN setup does not work with OpenVPN or Chameleon, and for best results, you need to set up a native L2TP/IPSec connection.

I’ll walk you through the process step by step. Just make sure your Mac is connected via Ethernet.

Step 1: Sign up for VyprVPN.

Step 2: Open System Preferences and navigate to Network.

Open System Preferences and navigate to Network

Step 3: Press the (+) button to add a new connection and enter the following:

  • Interface: VPN
  • VPN Type: L2TP over IPSec
  • Service Name: VyprVPN
Add a new connection

Click Create.

Step 4: Next, enter your account details and preferred server address to configure your new VyprVPN connection:

  • Configuration: Default
  • Server Address: Pick a US location from the VyprVPN server list.
  • Account Name: Type in your email address
Configure your new VyprVPN connection

Click Apply.

Step 5: Open the Authentication Settings and enter your VyprVPN password in the password field.

VyprVPN password

Step 6: On the same popup window, under Machine Authentication, pick Shared Secret and enter thisisourkey.

Shared Secret

Click OK.

Step 7: Click the Advanced Options button and check “Send all traffic over VPN connection.

Send all traffic over VPN connection

Click OK.

Step 8: Press Apply to save your configurations.

Step 9: Now click Connect to establish your VyprVPN connection.

Step 10: Return to System Preferences and click Sharing.

Sharing on Mac

Step 11: Select Internet Sharing and set the following:

  • Share your connection from: VyprVPN (or the name you used for your new VyprVPN connection).
  • To computers using: Wi-Fi

Step 12: Click Wi-Fi Options enter the following details (You’re creating a Wi-Fi hotspot for your Roku device to connect to):

  • Network Name: (enter a name)
  • Channel: (leave as default)
  • Security: WPA2 Personal
  • Password: (enter a password)
  • Verify: (re-enter your password)
Internet-sharing network details

Click OK.

Step 13: Check the box next to Internet Sharing to start sharing the connection.

Internet Sharing: Off

Step 14: If prompted, click Start to activate the mobile hotspot.

Step 15: Open Roku and connect to the Wi-Fi network.

I Can't Watch Roku With VyprVPN. What Should I Do?

The first thing you should do if you can’t watch Roku with VyprVPN is to check whether your Roku region and VPN server location match.

Also, sometimes servers go down. Instead of waiting for it to come back online, you can switch to another server and continue enjoying your content.

If nothing works, I suggest contacting customer support for help. You could also check to see if some of the other top VPNs for Roku can help you solve your problem.

In my tests, NordVPN and ExpressVPN proved to be a class above the rest and are worthy – although slightly more costly – alternatives for VyprVPN.


Setting up VyprVPN on Roku can be very confusing for the novice VPN user. Just follow the steps above, and you’ll be circumventing geo-blocks on Roku in no time.

I’ve used VyprVPN for over 2 years now, and I’m still impressed by how great the VPN works with Hulu. Its speeds are fast, and the provider has servers worldwide.

Why wait around? Grab our exclusive VyprVPN deal and unblock your favorite content on Roku.

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