23+ Hulu Statistics, Facts & Trends

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Hulu has become one of the most popular streaming services in recent years, offering its subscribers a variety of TV shows, movies, and original content. 

With its growing popularity, it is only natural to be interested in learning more about Hulu’s latest figures.

That is why we explore some of the most exciting and surprising data points related to Hulu, including its subscriber numbers, top TV shows and movies, and demography.

Top 7 Hulu Statistics (Editor’s Pick)

  • Hulu had 48 million paying users in the United States in Q1 2023.
  • Half of Hulu subscribers in 2021 earned less than $50,000 annually.
  • In Japan, 16.7% of people aged 20 to 29 used Hulu in 2021.
  • One in every ten Hulu US users in 2022 enjoyed watching old movies.
  • Hulu generated $4.4 billion in revenue from Live TV in 2022.
  • Hulu offered its users free content for nine years.
  • Hulu has no employees below 18 years.


top 7 hulu statistics
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Hulu Usage Statistics

1. 6% of those aged 35 to 44 watched Hulu without ads multiple times daily in 2022.

5% of the same age group watched once daily in the United States, 8% fired up the service a few times a week, while 9% only watched it once per week.

Another 9% said they watched the service a few times, 4% have only used it once, and 3 in every 5 had never watched Hulu with ads.

2. Hulu had 48 million paying users in the United States in Q1 2023.

This figure increased by 0.8 million from the previous quarter, with 47.2 million paying subscribers.

The table below shows Hulu’s US paying subscribers from Q1 2021 to Q1 2023.

Quarter Number of Subscribers in Millions
Q1 2021 39.4
Q2 2021 41.6
Q3 2021 42.8
Q4 2021 43.8
Q1 2022 45.3
Q2 2022 45.6
Q3 2022 46.2
Q4 2022 47.2
Q1 2023 48

Hulu Demography Statistics

3. Generation Z represented 17% of Hulu subscribers in 2021.

19% of the total Hulu subscribers were Baby boomers, 37% were millennials, and Gen Xers accounted for a 27% share.

4. 43% of Hulu subscribers in 2021 were democrats.

32% identified as independents, and 1 in 4 subscribers was a republican.

5. 37% of Hulu subscribers in 2021 lived in urban areas.

38% of Hulu subscribers lived in the suburbs, while 25% were rural dwellers.

key hulu demography statistics
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6. Half of Hulu subscribers in 2021 earned less than $50,000 annually.

31% of Hulu subscribers in 2021 earned between $50,000 to $100,000 annually, while 19% raked in over $100,000 annually.

7. In 2021, more than half of Hulu subscribers were Whites.

64% of Hulu subscribers were white, and one in every five was Hispanic

Blacks represented 13% of the total Hulu subscribers, while 3% were of Asian or other ethnicities.

8. More than half of the total Hulu users in 2021 were females.

Females represented 52% of Hulu subscribers, while males represented 48%.

9. In Japan, 16.7% of people aged 20 to 29 used Hulu in 2021.

People aged between 30 and 39 in Japan were the second-higher user group (8.5%).

In the final three, 7.8% of those aged 13 to 19 also confirmed the same.

Age Group Share of Respondents (%)
13 to 19 7.8
20 to 29 16.7
30 to 39 8.5
40 to 49 7.1
50 to 59 4.4
60 to 69 2.9

10. Hulu has no employees below 18 years.

As of February 2023, 7% of Hulu employees were aged 18 to 20, while those aged 20 to 30 comprised 38% of its workforce. Most Hulu employees (46%) were aged 30 to 40, and another 7% were over 40.

11. 34% of Hulu employees spent/had spent less than a year at the company as of 2023.

23% of Hulu employees spent up to two years at the company, and 9% worked for between three to four years.

26% of employees at Hulu have worked there for five to seven years, and 5% were going on eight to ten years.

Hulu Movie and TV Shows Statistics

12. As of 2022, King Kong (2005) was the longest movie on Hulu.

The King Kong (2005) movie has a running time of 3 hours and 21 minutes, followed by Any Given Sunday (1999), with 2 hours and 42 minutes running time. 

Prisoners (2013) took third, with a running time of 2 hours 33 minutes.

13. One in every ten Hulu US users enjoyed watching old movies.

In Q3 2022, 9% of Hulu users enjoyed watching old movies, while 12% enjoyed recent ones.

14. 9% of Hulu’s long-term US subscribers in Q3 2022 enjoyed older movies.

The survey also had 11% of Hulu’s long-term US subscribers enjoying recent movies. In contrast, 7% of recent subscribers in Q3 2022 enjoyed older movies on Hulu, while 14% went with contemporary movies.

hulu us subscribers
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15. In Q3 2022, over 1 in 10 Gen Z Hulu US users enjoyed watching older movies.

In the same survey, 16% of Gen Zs enjoyed watching recent movies.

Conversely, 9% of Millenials Hulu users enjoyed older movies, while 1 in every 10 enjoyed recent movies.

Hulu Subscribers Statistics

16. Hulu’s streaming subscribers hit 41.4 million in 2022.

Thus, increasing by 3.6 million from 2021.

17. Hulu Live TV subscribers increased by around 0.3 million in 2021-2022.

Hulu Live TV subscribers hit 3.8 million in 2021 before reaching 4.1 million in 2022.

Hulu Revenue Statistics

18. Hulu generated over $2.7 billion in revenue in Q4 2022.

The amount hit over $2.7 billion in Q1 2022 before dropping to $2.677 billion in Q2 2022. There was a slight improvement in Q3 2022 ($2.69 billion) compared to the previous quarter.

19. In Q1 2023, Hulu US attracted an average monthly revenue of $12.46 per paying SVOD subscriber.

In Q4 2022, Hulu generated average monthly revenue of $12.23 per paying US subscriber and $12.92 in Q3 2022. Q2 2022 and Q1 2022 generated $12.77 and $12.96 revenue per paying subscriber.

20. Hulu generated a streaming revenue of $6.3 billion in 2022.

This figure represents an increase of around 8% compared to 2021, which generated $5.8 billion.

hulu revenue snapshot
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21. Hulu generated $4.4 billion in revenue from Live TV in 2022.

In 2021, the revenue was $3.7 billion, increasing by $0.7 billion in 2022.

Other Hulu Statistics

22. The Hulu app had over 1 million 5-star ratings in 2023.

As of March 2023, the mobile app had 126,000+ 4-star ratings, 44,000+ 3-star ratings, 22,000+ 2-star ratings, and over 60,000 1-star ratings.

23. Hulu charged as low as $7.99 monthly in 2023.

Such low prices were on the ad-supported Hulu service.

Conversely, Hulu’s no-ads plan costs $14.99/month, while Hulu Live TV, Disney+, and ESPN (all with ads) cost $69.99 monthly. The Hulu no-ads package with Live TV, Disney+ (no ads), and ESPN (with ads) costs $82.99 monthly instead.

hulu monthly subscription plans
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24. Hulu offered its users free content for 9 years.

Since Hulu’s launch in 2007, it offered paid on-demand and free content until 2016, when it became a paid service.

25. The Hulu app hit over 179k downloads in Japan in December 2022.

In November 2022, total Hulu app downloads in Japan hit over 141k downloads, and over 161k in October 2022.

The table below shows Japan’s total Hulu app downloads from January to December 2022.

Month (2022) Total Downloads (1000’s)
January 230.12
February 238.23
March 288.99
April 231.11
May 233.17
June 171.73
July 220.3
August 215.94
September 182.99
October 161.51
November 141.27
December 179.16

Enjoy Hulu Today!

Hulu has become a significant player in the streaming industry, offering its subscribers an extensive collection of TV shows, movies, and original programming. 

The statistics and trends show that Hulu has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, with millions of users and a broad range of content available.

Also, you can learn more about other Streaming Service statistics, facts, and trends to keep you updated on the latest numbers for Hulu’s rival.

  1. https://www.statista.com/statistics/257211/use-of-hulu-or-hulu-plus-in-the-us-by-age/
  2. https://www.statista.com/statistics/258014/number-of-hulus-paying-subscribers/
  3. https://morningconsult.com/2021/03/01/paramount-plus-streaming-subscriber-demographics/
  4. https://www.businessofapps.com/data/hulu-statistics/
  5. https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/research/content-most-enjoyed-on-hulu-2022
  6. https://www.zippia.com/hulu-careers-26793/demographics/
  7. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1292885/japan-hulu-penetration-rate-by-age-group/
  8. https://www.businessofapps.com/data/hulu-statistics/
  9. https://thebingeful.com/longest-movies-on-hulu/
  10. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1095077/hulu-average-revenue-per-subscriber-us/
  11. https://app.sensortower.com/overview/376510438?country=US&tab=ratings
  12. https://webtribunal.net/blog/hulu-stats/#gref
  13. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1292190/japan-hulu-monthly-number-app-downloads/
  14. https://www.forbes.com/sites/maddieberg/2016/08/08/hulu-to-end-free-streaming-service/?sh=1c6a7212652b
  15. https://techjury.net/blog/hulu-statistics/#gref:~:text=Hulu%20net%20worth%20is%20%2416%20billion